Leaf Village: Leaf Village clothing are very diverse as how all Genin and academy students wear different outfit. But most Chunin and Jonin wear the same outfit. It looks very similar to those old day military uniform. The wear long blue sleeve shirt inside, a green fleck jacket on the outside, and long blue pant that have a white tape around the left/right thigh. Many choose to role up their blue sleeve shirt.
Sound Village: They wear a full outfit covering from head to toe. The black hood covers the whole head except for the eyes. Black tights from neck to toe with an outer layer garment and neck collar. This would be Chunin or Jonin style clothing.

Sand Village: Sand Chunin and Jonin wear a bandage like cap on their head. A brown or black vest inside with the sleeves rolled up. The army like outer coat can either be green or tan, similar to Leaf Village Chunin and Jonin outfit.
Backpack are worn by most ninja whenever they are on mission. The backpack may contain food, gear, Fuma Shuriken, kunai, scrolls and many others. Different ninja wear different kind of backpack and color.
Back Pouch
This pouch is worn around the waist area. It is place it on the right or left side of the waist. The back pouch contain kunai, shuriken, bomb, medicine, and many other ninja tools.
Forehead Protector
All ninja must wear a Forehead Protector. It signifies that a ninja had graduated from the ninja academy. All forehead protectors have a metal plate in front of a long blue cloth. Imprinted on the metal plate the symbol of their village. Though the forehead protector is suppose to be worn around the forehead, many have choose to wear it anywhere they want (eg. arm, leg, neck, stomach).
Glove are common to some Chunin and Jonin. Some gloves have a metal plate on the back side of the glove. Some have just plan blue glove.
Leg Brace
This is worn between the ankle bone and knee. Do not really know what it does beside support and aid that area.
This is worn by all ninja ranks. They are supplement for shoes because they are for ninja not regular people. The sandal is quite revealing as the toes are reveal. It starts from the tip of the toe and extend just above the ankle bone. It looks more comfortable than shoes and for easy movement.
Scroll Pocket
This is found on the velvet itself. It is use for storing scroll and other rounded material. Mostly seen on Chunin and Jonin.
Shurukin Holster
This holster is worn around the thigh area. It is place it on the right or left side of the thigh, depending on what hand the person likes to use. If they are right handed they have it on the right, and if they are left handed they usually keep it on the left side. Inside are shuriken, kunai, and other weapons ninja use.